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- Mondays rule.
Mondays rule.
Journaling prompts, marketing moves, & sales tips inside ➡️

Every weekend I try to do the same journaling exercise. I ask myself two questions:
How do I want to feel this week?
What do I want to work on this week?
And then I write down whatever comes to mind.
For the first question, I’ll write down action steps that will make it more likely to feel the emotions & states of being I want to experience during the week.
To give you an example, here’s my exercise for this week:
Limit screen time
Walking every day (sunshine & fresh air)
Working out 3x/week with electrolytes
6AM club
Trying new healthy meals (this looks like cooking at home with fresh ingredients)
And of course there are things I need to work on this week, but I love to write down what I want to work on first because oftentimes it’ll get put on the back burner if I don’t prioritize it.
Once I have my list of action steps, I then put it all in my planner from Hustle Sanely (an incredible company founded by the incredible @jessmmassey. Fun fact: all of the planners are designed by one of our coaching clients @bloomingbydesign.co — how cool is that?!)
Now it’s your turn! Today, give yourself 15-minutes to write down the two questions above and see what comes up. Then, turn those answers into action steps for yourself as you go throughout the week — super helpful in measuring your progress and prioritizing how you want to feel and what you want to work on!
PS, if you decide to do this exercise I would love to see! Tag me on Instagram stories @joandlyndon and I’ll repost!
Marketing Moves:
Over the past week we’ve been honored to have a couple of really cool features on other accounts. These are companies we both use and love, which makes it extra exciting to be featured on them!
No. 1: Kayak
A few weeks ago I spontaneously wrote this post on Threads while watching the snow fall outside our window. After posting it I had the thought “hmm, maybe I should have tagged Kayak” but decided not to stress about it and went back to the book I was reading.
And then three days later Lyndon texted me this:

So…yeah, we were featured on Kayak’s Instagram feed and I’m so stoked about it!
No. 2: NKO club
The second account is near and dear to my heart. When we got our Peloton a few years ago, the first class I took was with Kendall Toole. Immediately, I was hooked. She incorporated boxing into some classes (my favorite) and always knew what to say at just the right time. At the end of every class she would end by saying, “hands up and remember — they can knock you down but they can never knock you out.”
That quote resonated with me deeply. There have been many moments in my life, as I’m sure there have been in yours, where it’s felt like I’ve had the rug swept from under my feet. However, time and time again I’ve picked myself back up and tried again.
Kendall gave me a mantra that put my desire to keep going into words.
Shortly after Kendall left Peloton last year, she announced @NKOClub, her company that advocates for mental health. When she announced her line of trucker hats, I immediately knew I wanted to purchase one to remind myself to “stay in the race” as Kendall loves to say.
Fast-forward to a few weeks ago when we had our latest brand photoshoot. I knew I wanted to incorporate some photos of me wearing my NKO hat and afterwards, I decided to send NKO Club a separate gallery with the photos that showed their hat just in case they wanted to use any of them. I honestly had no idea if they would, but I wanted them to have the option in case there were any that felt like a good fit for their marketing.
Over the weekend they shared a few of those photos and I’m so happy they were able to use some of them!!
How You Can Apply These Marketing Moves:
Tag brands when you share about them! Most brands will want to re-post or use your content in their marketing and will be happy to tag you if you ask.
If you have photos of yourself with certain products or brands that you love, send those photos TO THOSE BRANDS for them to use in their marketing if they would like. Important note on this: if you worked with a photographer, make sure you have their permission first before doing this. Most photographers will be okay with it, however it’s best practice to 1) request their permission and 2) ask the brand to tag both your account and the photographers if they choose to use any of the photos in their marketing.
Sales Tip of the Week:

This week’s sales tip is all about checking in with your current clients.
I’m reading the book How to never lose a customer again and he makes the point that most businesses will spend all their efforts and budget on advertising and marketing to get a new customer. However, once that client is in their door they stop paying them as much attention. They’re handed off to a junior associate, not given the same perks they got when they were being “courted”, and it can quite frankly feel like they’ve been shoved to the side. For that reason, a lot of customers leave sooner than later because the promise they were given didn’t match their experience.
One things we’ve started doing with our current clients is checking in with them after the first 30 days of working together.
We don’t do this over email or text.
It’s face-to-face (Zoom style).
We like to do it face-to-face because you get the full context when you’re in the same room together (even if that room is virtual). You can ask follow-up questions and gain a deeper understanding for what you can do to improve their experience.
It boils down to three questions:
What do you feel is going well?
What do you feel isn’t going well?
What can we do better?
Sometimes for the second question we have to pry a bit. There’s always something that can be improved but a lot of people see feedback as being mean — it’s not when it’s done right. (That’s a topic for another day, hit reply if you want me to share more about this in next week’s email).
Because of this one practice, we learned that one client needed to switch the days they originally had scheduled for Voxer (a text-support app we use to support our coaching clients in-between calls) but they didn’t know they could ask.
Another client shared that they need a check-in a day or two before their scheduled calls to confirm if the day/time still works for them or if we needed to rescheduled because #life.
And another brought up the point that they would be able to speak more freely on calls if we didn’t record those calls (something we offer clients so they can go back and watch if they need to refresh their memory on a certain topic) — a super easy fix.
All of these scenarios had simple solutions but we wouldn’t have known about any of them if we didn’t check-in.
The next time you’re on a client call, carve out about 15-minutes at the end to ask them these three questions. You’ll be doing both of you a huge service in doing so.
Curious about coaching with us? Click here to schedule a discovery call to see if we’re a good fit and talk about what it would look like to work together.
If you made it this far, YOU’RE AMAZING (and I have no doubt amazing things are in store for you, too). ✨
PS, are you hanging out with us on Instagram yet?
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